Awarezen's mission

Awarezen exists to help peace and presence, grace and compassion blossom forth in every soul on this planet, so that every local community, city, country, and every square inch of this planet becomes a meditative haven full of wisdom, life, joy, love, and light—through the power of Christ in Word and Spirit for the supreme glory of God in all-surpassing and glorious hope of the new heavens and new earth.


Meditation Teacher | Spiritual Friend

With over three decades of training in nondual wisdom teachings of Asia and seven years of Christian spiritual formation, I'm an experienced former university professor with a Ph.D. in Studies in Religion (since 2003) from Australia. I was a Buddhist meditation teacher in Australia and later a short-term Christian assistant pastor, in Australia and Singapore. I have integrated my lifelong learnings into a direct, minimalist, immediate and relational process of nondual wisdom and practice for a time such as this. This is education for the whole person from the core outwards: activating the essence and emanations of human consciousness for a whole and ecstatic life well-lived. My teachings and transmissions are grounded in a nondual perspective with a difference: the mutuality of love born of grace.


I have 15 years' experience as an occupational therapist in Singapore and Australia. Fully certified in Neurosemantics since 2003 and Meta-Coaching since 2004, I’ve been successfully coaching clients throughout the Brisbane metropolitan area and facilitating their self-growth. If you are feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands, my teachings aim to introduce calm, clarity, and insight. In this season of my work in nondual wisdom, I'm particularly keen to help people awaken to their true nature and touch the beauty of uncreated grace beyond limitations of self-effort. In the white fire of awareness suffused by grace, all that you are not is melted away. All that remains is who you really are: unsinkable joy, freedom, love and peace of aware presence, dancing freely in the midst of a world in crisis. Then, grace breaks through and changes everything: awareness still is, yet is completely new.